Dreams Model – Oceane Dreams (sets 01-27)

Dreams Model – Oceane Dreams (sets 01-27)

33 thoughts on “Dreams Model – Oceane Dreams (sets 01-27)

  1. Does anyone have the last three sets? And I know there are a few Petite sets as well. Was great that some people were able to fill in some of the Ultra sets, would be nice if it could be done with Oceane as well

  2. The last three are good ones, they’re not too hard to find. The petite sets are indoors, and she looks a little younger. Also, there are topless specials which are hard to find and really nothing special.

    Does anybody know anything about this studio? They don’t seem to be connected to any others, and I don’t have a clue where they were located.

  3. Here’s a link to everything Oceane. I am happy to share but don’t have the time to make previews for a proper post. The password is nonude.ml

  4. @smilesforever – well, thanks for the link, however i use Mac OS and Mega.nz says Firefox cannot DL because of some buffert problem and the plugin is only an “.exe” file….. (can’t be opened on Mac OS etc etc) – Google Chrome does not work on Mac either ?? Any suggestions? I allready have sets #01-#11 so am not realy in any panic. Thx.

  5. Allure, as far as I can tell, the only complete set on here is Dany. The rest are either missing a little or a lot, and there are a few noteworthy girls who aren’t on here at all. It would be a lot of work to upload everything that is missing. I think I have everything but RDean thinks he has more Ultra than I do. I wish this site had a social aspect so we could PM each other. If anyone is interested in trading send an email (preferably one that is anonymous) to me at [email protected] and we can discuss what we can do for each other.

    1. @Free2love Wow! Didnt know any of that and I didnt even know there were other girls for this studio. What are their name? I also wish that was a possibility… I wish i could help you too because you were so gracious, but I have nothing :[ All can say is many thanks

      1. Okay, I take back part of what I said. When I wrote that I didn’t realize that the admin had separate Sweet Dolls and Dreams Models sections. The problem with this studio is that with some of the models there are duplicate sets between Petite, Sweet Dolls, and their special sets, so it can be challenging to keep them organized properly. For instance, with Rabea, all of her Dream Model sets are duplicated in SweetDolls except different image sizes and there are usually more images in the Sweet Dolls sets.

        Every notable Dreams model is on this site, some are just missing sets.

        1. Thanks for that info! I didnt know this. I hope to have complete sets someday too. Some people had chipped in on the ultra models sets. I just assume everything is complete here unless stated otherwise by admin

  6. Anybody ever heard of Oceane doing a nude set like Ultra did. There are many sets that are filmed in the same locations. Like the nude Ultra features her on a blanket near a wall the same blanket is used in some of Oceane’s sets. Any info or share would be greatly appreciated.

    Ps I know this is probably a long shot.

    1. I’m so new, I didn’t even know Ultra did nude sets! Heh ate we allowed to beg? All I have is my phone no computer, so I can’t even down load anything, because I can’t get zip files extracted here.

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